Orders should be sent to
The expected order confirmation time is 48 hours.
The standard delivery time is 4-5 weeks.
All goods are delivered Ex Works (Incoterms 2020) from our address: Bjarkevej 6, 8464 Galten.
Standard payment terms are 30 days from the date the goods are ready for shipment on invoice date.
Pickup can be arranged with your own transport or HP Industrial can arrange the transport and add the cost to the invoice. This should be decided as a fixed arrangement.
- Damage Risk: Damaged goods during transportation are at buyer´s own risk, even when HP Industrial arranges the transport, in accordance with Ex Works (Incoterms 2020) conditions.
All goods (except floor handles) are delivered on an EU pallet with pallet-frames.
- EU Pallet Price: The price for an EU pallet is 13,50 EUR/pc:
- Pallet Frame Price: The price for pallet frames is 10 EUR/pc.:
- Return of Pallet Frames: Pallet frames can be sent back to HP Industrial at your own expense, and a credit note will be issued at the sales price of 10 EUR/pc.
- Alternative Packaging: It is possible to pack in fx. cardboard boxes with an added packing fee of 4 % if packing in pallet frames is not acceptable.
Pricing: According to agreed prices and quantity in the pricelist
- Price System: The price system is shown on the yearly pricelist.
- New Pricelist: A new pricelist will be sent out for the coming new year every fall.
- Price Renegotiation: HP Industrial reserves the right to renegotiate prices if extraordinary fluctuations in commodity prices occur.
- Price Optimization: Optimization of prices vs. volume or improvements are always welcomed.
Complaints should be sent to with expected initial feedback within 72 hours.